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English abbreviation dictionary - dream


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physiol. abbr.
Diabetes Readiness Education Awareness And Management mil. abbr.
Dolphin Research Education And Management funny abbr.
Doing Really Everything After Midnight media abbr.
Dynamic Repositioning Of Enhanced Audio Music media abbr.
Dedicating Resources To Employees Of Advertising And Media educ. abbr.
Determination Realism Enthusiasm Acceptance And Motivation educ. abbr.
Drug Resistance Education And Mentoring educ. abbr.
Dare Reach Educate Achieve And Motivate
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  ~1 n 1 »ASLEEP« a series of thoughts, images, and feelings that you experience when you are asleep  (In my dream, I was playing football with the children. | have a dream)  (I had a really weird dream last night. | bad dream (=frightening or unpleasant))  (He claims that eating cheese late at night gives him bad dreams. | recurring dream (=a dream you have again and again)) 2 »WISH« something you hope for and want to happen very much  (Mike's big dream was to be a professional racing driver.) + of  (a dream of becoming rich) dream house/car etc (=the house, car etc you really want)  (Three weeks in Barbados is my idea of a dream holiday. | the house/job of your dreams)  (I have just met the man of my dreams! | beyond your wildest dreams (=better than anything you ever imagined or hoped for)) 3 »UNREAL SITUATION« a situation that does not seem real or part of normal life  (be/seem like a dream)  (After a few weeks back at work our vacation seems like a dream.) 4 »PLEASANT THOUGHTS« C usually singular a set of pleasant thoughts that make you forget about what is really happening; daydream2  (Peter's lost in a dream again.) 5 a dream come true something that you wanted to happen for a long time  (Finding my real mother after all these years was a dream come true.) 6 like a dream usually spoken extremely well or effectively  (The plan worked like a dream. | go like a dream (=work perfectly))  (The new motorbike goes like a dream.) 7 a dream usually spoken a very attractive person or thing  (Her latest boyfriend is an absolute dream.) 8 be/live in a dream world to have ideas or hopes that are not practical or likely to happen  (If you think he'll change, you're living in a dream world.) 9 in your dreams spoken used to say that something is not likely to happen  ("I'm going to ask her to go out with me." "In your dreams!") ~2 v past tense and past participle dreamed or dreamt 1 »THINK ABOUT« to think about something that you would like to happen + of  (We dream of buying our own house.) dream (that)  (She...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (dreams, dreaming, dreamed, dreamt) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: American English uses the form 'dreamed' as the past tense and past participle. British English uses either 'dreamed' or 'dreamt'. 1. A dream is an imaginary series of events that you experience in your mind while you are asleep. He had a dream about Claire... I had a dream that I was in an old study, surrounded by leather books. N-COUNT 2. When you dream, you experience imaginary events in your mind while you are asleep. Ivor dreamed that he was on a bus... She dreamed about her baby. VERB: V that, V about/of n, also V 3. You can refer to a situation or event as a dream if you often think about it because you would like it to happen. He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot... My dream is to have a house in the country... = ambition N-COUNT: usu with supp 4. If you often think about something that you would very much like to happen or have, you can say that you dream of it. As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress... For most of us, a brand new designer kitchen is something we can only dream about... I dream that my son will attend college and find a good job. VERB: V of/about n/-ing, V of/about n/-ing, V that 5. You can use dream to describe something that you think is ideal or perfect, especially if it is something that you thought you would never be able to have or experience. ...a dream holiday to Jamaica. ADJ: ADJ n 6. If you describe something as a particular person’s dream, you think that it would be ideal for that person and that he or she would like it very much. Greece is said to be a botanist’s dream... N-SING: poss N 7. If you say that something is a dream, you mean that it is wonderful. (INFORMAL) N-SING: a N 8. You can refer to a situation or event that does not seem real as a dream, especially if it is very strange or unpleasant. When the right woman comes along, this bad dream will be over. N-COUNT: usu...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English dreem, from Old English dream noise, joy, and Old Norse draumr ~; akin to Old High German troum ~  Date: 13th century  1. a series of thoughts, images, or emotions occurring during sleep — compare REM sleep  2. an experience of waking life having the characteristics of a ~: as  a. a visionary creation of the imagination ; day~  b. a state of mind marked by abstraction or release from reality ; reverie  c. an object seen in a ~like state ; vision  3. something notable for its beauty, excellence, or enjoyable quality the new car is a ~ to operate  4.  a. a strongly desired goal or purpose a ~ of becoming president  b. something that fully satisfies a wish ; ideal a meal that was a gourmet's ~  • ~ful adjective  • ~fully adverb  • ~fulness noun  • ~less adjective  • ~lessly adverb  • ~lessness noun  • ~like adjective  II. verb  (~ed or ~t; ~ing)  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1. to have a ~  2. to indulge in day~s or fantasies ~ing of a better future  3. to appear tranquil or ~y houses ~ in leafy shadows — Gladys Taber  transitive verb  1. to have a ~ of  2. to consider as a possibility ; imagine  3. to pass (time) in reverie or inaction ~ing the hours away ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a series of pictures or events in the mind of a sleeping person. b the act or time of seeing this. c (in full waking dream) a similar experience of one awake. 2 a day-dream or fantasy. 3 an ideal, aspiration, or ambition, esp. of a nation. 4 a beautiful or ideal person or thing. 5 a state of mind without proper perception of reality (goes about in a dream). --v. (past and past part. dreamt or dreamed) 1 intr. experience a dream. 2 tr. imagine in or as if in a dream. 3 (usu. with neg.) a intr. (foll. by of) contemplate the possibility of, have any conception or intention of (would not dream of upsetting them). b tr. (often foll. by that + clause) think of as a possibility (never dreamt that he would come). 4 tr. (foll. by away) spend (time) unprofitably. 5 intr. be inactive or unpractical. 6 intr. fall into a reverie. Phrases and idioms dream-time Austral. the alcheringa. dream up imagine, invent. like a dream colloq. easily, effortlessly. Derivatives dreamful adj. dreamless adj. dreamlike adj. Etymology: ME f. OE dream joy, music ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. сон, сновидение good dream —- хороший сон waking dream —- сон наяву dream fantasies —- галлюцинации sweet dreams! —- приятных снов! (пожелание перед сном) to have (to see smth. in) a dream —- видеть сон to go to one's dreams —- возв. ложиться спать to awake from a dream —- проснуться 2. мечта empty dreams —- пустые (праздные) мечты the land of dreams —- царство (страна) грез the dreams youth —- юношеские грезы a dream of a car —- разг. мечта, а не машина; машина, о которой можно только мечтать to cherish a dream —- лелеять мечту to realize all one's (fondest) dreams —- осуществить все свои (заветные) мечты to be (to live, to go about) in a dream —- жить в мире грез he has dreams of being an actor —- он мечтает стать актером he was the husband of her dreams —- в мечтах она видела его своим мужем 3. видение sweet dream —- дивное видение 4. блаженство; красота dream of delight —- райское блаженство Id: it worked like a dream —- успех был полный; все удалось как нельзя лучше 5. видеть сон you must have dreamt it —- тебе, должно быть, это приснилось to dream of (about) home —- видеть во сне дом I dreamed that I was at home —- мне приснилось, что я дома 6. мечтать, грезить (о чем-л.) to dream of happiness, to dream that one will be happy —- мечтать о счастье you must be dreaming —- тебе (все это) кажется 7. (of) преим. в отриц. предложениях: думать, помышлять I shouldn't dream of such a thing —- мне бы никогда в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  up coll. выдумывать, фантазировать; придумывать Where did you dream up that idea? DREAM ticket noun счастливый билет, удача DREAM  1. noun  1) сон, сновидение to go to ones dreams - ложиться спать, заснуть to see a dream - видеть сон  2) мечта; греза - land of dreams  3) видение dreams go by opposites - наяву все наоборот  2. v.; past and past part. dreamt, dreamed  1) видеть сны, видеть во сне (about/of) I dreamed about my old home last night.  2) мечтать, грезить, воображать (about/of)  3) думать, помышлять (в отрицательных предложениях) I shouldnt dream of doing such a thing - я бы и не подумал сделать что-л. подобное - dream away - dream up Syn: see hope DREAM away to dream away ones life проводить жизнь в мечтах ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - O.E. dream "joy, mirth," also "music," from Gmc. *draugmas. Words for "sleeping vision" in O.E. were mжting and swefn (from PIE *swep-no-, cf. Gk. hypnos). Much study has failed to prove that this is the root of the modern word, despite being identical in spelling. Either the meaning of the word has changed dramatically (from "noisy merriment" to "sleeping vision") or "vision" was an unrecorded secondary O.E. meaning of dream. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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